Discover the "Rice Method"

It helped me Melt Away 85 lbs.

and it Changed My Life!!!!!


Hi, my name is Betty.

I'm 58 and have a wonderful marriage going on 32 years. I'm a Mom of 3 and Grandma of 6 energetic grandkids. And thank God, I just recently stumbled upon a way to get my old self back.

I was looking to get my energy back and my petite figure too, but cutting out all the food that tastes good and keeping the flab was a bummer.

No, it did not help that I was trying to juggle being a mom, a homemaker, a gym bunny (HA!), and a career woman all at once - it caused me an immense amount of stress.

📌To top it all off the intimacy with my husband had disappeared. I often caught him looking at other women no matter how much I did for him.

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I was trying to be the perfect mom and had given up so much of myself, but when I gazed into the mirror, I realized I was far from perfect.

I was drained, frumpy, and angry, and I knew I had to make a change. I needed something that would fit into my crazy schedule, and be quick and easy.

Then I ran into my old college roommate and she looked amazing despite having four kids.  She told me her secret was the "Rice Method". I was very hesitant at first to try it but took a deep breath and plunged right in.

I am so glad I did! The transformation changed my life!!

I went from 240 to 155 without going to the gym ever again!

It was astonishing to see my husband's eyes light up again as he looked at me after I dropped so much. It felt like we were dating again.

I shared the "Rice Method" with my youngest daughter and thank goodness she was able to quickly recover from her second pregnancy in her mid-thirties, achieving amazing results!

It turns out that the key to my success and that of my daughter was not due to diet, genetics, or exercise, but rather to toxins in the environment that could be "drained away" thanks to the rice method.

✨After 10 years stuck at a weight of 240 lbs, I am now back to 155 lbs, and I am so excited with the results!

My husband is now devoted to keeping his gaze on me and I don't ever want to lose that again. To see how the "Rice Method" works, watch below.

It may be what you're looking for! It worked for me and would work for you too!





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